Scrappy Colour

by Scrappy Ferret


Scrappy Colour is a simple helper library for Solar2D for working with colours.


A full API listing can be found here.


Register and use a colour.

-- Load plugin library
require "plugin.scrappyColour"

-- Initiate the library

-- Register a colour and call it 'player1'
Scrappy.Colour:register( "player1", { 0, 1, 0 } )

-- Register a colour and call it 'player2'
Scrappy.Colour:register( "player2", "D30F6F" )

-- Create a player object with the first colour
local player1 = display.newCircle( 100, 100, 10 )
player1:setFillColor( Scrappy.Colour:get( "player1" ) )

-- Create a player object with the second colour, this time retrieving it as a table
local player2 = display.newCircle( 200, 100, 10 )
local colour = Scrappy.Colour:get( "player2", nil, true )
player2:setFillColor( colour[ 1 ], colour[ 2 ], colour[ 3 ] )

Convert a hex colour to rgb values.

-- Get the values
local rgb = Scrappy.Colour:hexToRGB( "D30F6F" )

-- Print them out
print( rgb[ 1 ], rgb[ 2 ], rgb[ 3 ] )

Get a list of registered colours.

-- Get a list of all registered colours
local registered = Scrappy.Colour:list()

-- And loop through them
for k, v in pairs( registered ) do

	-- Printing out their names and values
	print( k, v[ 1 ], v[ 2 ], v[ 3 ] )



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Once you've activated this plugin, appropriate build.settings code will be generated for you to copy into your Solar2D project. Download links will also be available for inclusion into a Solar2D Native project.

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